Karnataka Industrial development

Karnataka Industrial development Karnataka is a leading state in terms of industrial growth in India. It is the hub of the IT industry in the country. The technology cluster in Karnataka ranks as the fourth largest in the world. The state has 47 IT and ITeS SEZs, several regions dedicated to IT investment, and three software technology … Read more

Animal Husbandry of Karnataka

Animal Husbandry of Karnataka The Animal Husbandry and Livestock Sector plays an important role for the rural economy of Karnataka. Animal husbandry plays a vital role and provides additional source of income to the farmers of the country. Animal products, for long, have also played an important role in the socio-economic life of the country. … Read more

Main Features of budgets of Karnataka

budgets of Karnataka  Driven by various fiscal consolidation measures, Karnataka has managed its expenditure well even while enhancing its revenues. The State’s fiscal deficit has declined marginally from 2.79% in 2015-16 (RE) to the level of 2.12% of GSDP in 2016-17 (BE), while the capital outlay has increased marginally from Rs. 21133.91 crore in 2015-16(RE) … Read more

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