Mughal contributions to literature and Music

Mughal contributions to literature and Music Development of Literature during the Mughal Period Interdiction There was a tremendous development in the field of literature during the Mughal times. Babar and Humauan were lovers of literature. Baber was himself a great scholar of Persian. He wrote a book known as Tuzek-e-Babari which is highly esteemed by … Read more

Philosophy of the Upanishad and the Bhagavad Gita –Yoga Philosophy of Pathanjali

Philosophy of the Upanishad and the Bhagavad Gita –Yoga Philosophy of Pathanjali Philosophy of the Upanishad What are Upanishads? The Upanishads are ancient texts, which record the foundation of Hindu thought. They are the final part of the Vedas, the part that is concerned with pure knowledge. The word ‘veda’ means ‘knowledge’; and the Upanishads … Read more

Folk Dances of Karnataka

  Folk Dances of Karnataka Folk dances are dances that are developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a certain country or region.The term “folk dance” is reserved for dances which are to a significant degree bound by tradition and originated in the times when the distinction existed between the dances of “common folk” and the dances of the high society. … Read more

Paintings of Karnataka

Paintings of Karnataka Karnataka paintings follow a long line of development. The earliest paintings in Karnataka can be traced back to the megalithic people who occupied Karnataka in the 1st millennium B.C. There  primitive paintings adorned the walls of caves etc. They mostly depicted the animal life of the region. Different types of paintings found in … Read more

Art Forms of Karnataka

Art Forms of Karnataka The southern Indian state of Karnataka  has a rich heritage of art and culture. From time immemorial, the region has been the origin and the culmination ground of Indian classical music and other art forms. Folk culture has its roots in this state and the art forms have heavily borrowed from … Read more