WOMEN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) was launched by the Prime Minister on 22nd January, 2015 at Panipat, Haryana. BBBP addresses the declining Child Sex Ratio (CSR) and related issues of women empowerment over a life-cycle continuum. It is a tri-ministerial effort of Ministries of Women and Child … Read more

Economy Booster- Domestic capital in economic development

Domestic capital in economic development Our economic growth has been facing headwinds which is primarily cyclical in nature. The policy makers, the regulators and the system are making an honest effort to restore it. Many fiscal and monitory policies have been announced and implemented sincerely. These measures, it is expected, will bring the desired outcome. … Read more

BOLT and BOT schemes

BOLT and BOT schemes Infrastructure is the word used to collectively refer to the facilities like roads, railways, bridges, manufacturing plants etc. A good infrastructure is a prerequisite for economic growth. The infrastructure development was taken up on a large scale during the last decade. The Government envisaged the nation wide infrastructure development through the … Read more

BPO (Business Process Outsourcing)

BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a method of subcontracting various business-related operations to third-party vendors. Although BPO originally applied solely to manufacturing entities, such as soft drink manufacturers that outsourced large segments of their supply chains, BPO now applies to the outsourcing of services, as well. Many businesses, from small startups … Read more

Reviving a loss making PSU

Reviving a loss making PSU In the last seven decades, CPSUs have contributed significantly towards making India self- reliant in their respective fields. In addition to physical assets, these have developed significant competencies with regard to human resources, intellectual property, research etc. and have always served the national priorities, over narrow business interests. Following the … Read more

Problem of illiteracy in India and solutions

Problem of illiteracy in India and solutions According to the 2011 Census, any person aged seven and above and has the ability to read and write is considered literate. The average literacy rate in India stands at 74.04%. While Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India at 93.91%, Bihar has the least literacy rate … Read more

Thermal power program of India

Thermal power program of India More than 65% of India’s electricity generation capacity comes from thermal power plants, with 85% of the country’s thermal power generation being coal-based. The ten biggest thermal power stations operating in India are all coal-fired, with five of them owned and operated by state-run National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC). Vindhyachal Thermal … Read more

National Watershed Development Programme

National Watershed Development Programme National Watershed Development Programme for Rain fed Areas (NWDPRA) is a programme subsumed under Macro Management of Agriculture (MMA) Scheme of Department of Agriculture & Cooperation which has been amended for the XI Five Year Plan. The guidelines of the revised MMA are also applicable from the financial year 2008-09.  The … Read more

Growth of GDP

Growth of GDP The gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate measures how fast the economy is growing. It does this by comparing a quarter of the country’s gross domestic product to the previous quarter. GDP measures the economic output of a nation. The GDP growth rate is driven by the four components of GDP. The … Read more

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