Isothermal Lines

Isothermal Lines The “isothermal process”, which is thermodynamic process in which the temperature of a system remains constant. The transfer of heat into or out of the system happens so slowly that thermal equilibrium is maintained. “Thermal” is a term that describes the heat of a system. “Iso” means “equal”, so “isothermal” means “equal heat”, … Read more

Housing in India

Housing in India Issues related to housing sector in India Un-planned growth of settlements  A number of housing clusters have mushroomed in and around various metropolitan centres in haphazard and unplanned manner, without a proper layout and devoid of service lines and other essential facilities. These unauthorized developments are encroachments on land parcels belonging to … Read more

Spherical Coordinates and Projections,Time

Spherical Coordinates and Projections,Time Spherical coordinates can be a little challenging to understand at first. Spherical coordinates determine the position of a point in three-dimensional space based on the distance ρ from the origin and two angles θ and ϕ. If one is familiar with polar coordinates, then the angle θ isn’t too difficult to … Read more


Grassland Grassland, area in which the vegetation is dominated by a nearly continuous cover of grasses. Grasslands occur in environments conducive to the growth of this plant cover but not to that of taller plants, particularly trees and shrubs. The factors preventing establishment of such taller, woody vegetation are varied. Grasslands are one of the … Read more


Mountains Mountain, landform that rises prominently above its surroundings, generally exhibiting steep slopes, a relatively confined summit area, and considerable local relief. Mountains generally are understood to be larger than hills, but the term has no standardized geological meaning. Very rarely do mountains occur individually. In most cases, they are found in elongated ranges or … Read more

Distribution Of Major Natural Resources Of World

 Distribution of major natural resources of World-Water, Soils,  Forests in reference to South and South-East Asia     Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian subcontinent) Natural resources are highly valued because human beings are dependent on them to fulfil their fundamental needs that changes with … Read more

Migration And Metropolitan Regions

 Migration and Metropolitan Region Migration Migration has been defined as crossing of the boundary of a political or administrative unit for a certain minimum period of time. It includes the movements of refugees, displaced persons, uprooted people as well as economic migrants. Internal migration refers to a move from one area (a province, … Read more

Advance Infrastructure In Rural Areas (2)

 Advance Infrastructure in Rural Areas Good quality infrastructure is critical to sustainable growth, especially for rural areas. As over 60 per cent of the population lives in rural areas, with low levels of per capital income, there is need to impart greater attention in improving rural infrastructure. Currently the rural infrastructure is inadequate … Read more

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