Karnataka Affairs
Karnataka mulls Mangaluru-Goa inter-state waterway
With all 11 Inland National Waterways (NWs) identified by Indias Inland Waterways Authority (IWA) not taking off, the Karnataka Government has embarked on an development of an ambitious inter-state waterway betweenMangaluruand Panaji (Goa) to promote tourism and for affordable passenger and freight transportation.
Though techno-economic feasibility studies have been initiated for the 11 NWs in Karnataka, the has initiated Preparation of Detailed Feasibility Report (DFR) for the development of inter-state waterway between Mangaluru and Panaji.
There are seven critical river systems in Karnataka with a lot of tributaries, but not much progress has been seen in development of the inland waterways for transport, tourism or cargo movement.
Last year, the Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) had appealed to the Director of Ports to initiate measures for the development of the inland waterway from Bantwal to Markada Bridge in Dakshina Kannada – National Waterway 74 and National Waterway 43 as identified by IWA.