Karnataka Planned Developement

Karnataka Planned Developement

Karnataka is situated in the south western region of India. It is one of the most prosperous states in India. Karnataka has made tremendous progress in the fields of education, industry, agriculture, literature and tourism. Bengaluru is the capital of Karnataka. Bengaluru is known as the Silicon Valley of Asia due to its flourishing Information Technology industry.

Karnataka is the seventh largest state in India in terms of area. It has 30 districts. Karnataka is bounded by the Arabian Sea and the Laccadive Sea on the west, Goa on the north-west, Maharashtra on the north, Telangana on the north-east, Andhra Pradesh on the east, Tamil Nadu on the south-east and Kerala on the south-west.

The major rivers flowing through Karnataka are Cauvery, Kabini, Krishna and Tungabhadra. There are three distinct geographical regions in Karnataka: the Coastal Plains, the Western Ghats and the Deccan Plateau. Karnataka covers about 750 km from North to South and about 400 km from East to West. The coastline of Karnataka stretches for about 320 km.

Karnataka Development Programme (KDP) reviews (including Twenty Point Programme) :

The performance of the programme is generally reviewed against pre-determined monthly targets every month at the State, district and taluk levels. At the state level, the division conducts quarterly reviews chaired by the Chief Secretary and attended by the Additional Chief Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries of all departments.

The subjects covered under State level KDP are – Review of progress under Plan schemes reported in MPIC format by implementing departments, Centrally Sponsored Schemes/Central Plan Schemes including Flagship programmes, Special Development Programme, SCSP/TSP, Externally Aided Projects, Status of sanction of ongoing and new schemes, Result Framework Document (RFD), Decision Support System (online MPIC), Evaluation Studies and other inter departmental issues.

Monthly Multi-level Reviews of Plan Schemes (MMR):

Under this system, the progress of plan schemes in the State and district sectors is subjected to monthly review. At the State level, the division coordinates MMR meetings of the Secretaries of the administrative departments with their heads of departments and undertakings and nodal officers of the Planning and Finance departments.
Centrally Sponsored and Central Plan Schemes:

Monthly meetings have been conducted to review the progress made under Centrally Sponsored and Central Plan Schemes, including the release of funds by the Government of India, implemented by various departments and place the results before the KDP meetings chaired by the Chief Secretary.
Result Framework Document (RFD):

Government of Karnataka has introduced generic RFD Framework on the lines of PMES followed

by Government of India in order to enable departments to transit from an input driven approach to results / outcomes orientation with effect from 2011-12. For this purpose the administrative departments have been classified into 19 groups and for each group one ATF Expert Group has been formed.


Decision Support System (DSS):

The DSS application (Online MPIC) is being implemented by the Planning Department in collaboration with Centre for e-Governance. The Decision Support System facilitates the online entry of monthly programme for each and every scheme of the department and also online entry of the monthly financial and physical achievement right from the field officer level to the HOD level.


Monthly Report on Plan Performance

Based on the figures furnished in the MPIC reports, the PMI division is consolidating the plan expenditure figures, administrative department wise, and releasing Monthly Report on Plan Performance.

The Karnataka government is drawing up a Rs. 2,100 crore project with loan assistance from Asian Development Bank, to develop and upgrade eight city clusters around Bangalore to woo investment and ease the load on the State capital.The city clusters proposed to be developed are Nelamangala, Magadi, Anekal, Bidadi, Dabaspet, Harohalli, Devanahalli and Hoskote.

‘ Karnataka Urban Development and Coastal Environment Management Plan (KUDCEMP-EAP) ‘

Description of KUDCEMP

The project will support government’s priority investment in the urban sector based on an urban development sector development strategy that focusses on improving the welfare of the urban poor and devolution of municipal management responsibility from states to urban local bodies.  This integrated urban development project will help meet basic human needs by developing urban services for water supply and sanitation, solid waste and wastewater management, and slum and environmental improvements.  The project will also support street improvements and traffic management, and strengthen other municipal services required to improve the quality of life in urban areas.  The project will provide assistance in capacity building and community participation at the state and local levels and in Project implementation.


‘ Karnataka Urban Water Sector Improvement Project-KWASIP ‘


To improve urban water supply services and demonstrate that sustainable, efficient and commercially oriented service provision.  This objective is aimed to be achieved by implementing the strategy enunciated in the Urban Drinking Water and Sanitation Policy 2003 of the Government of Karnataka in a phased manner.  Government of Karnataka and World Bank have approved the first phase.

Selection of towns

Three towns namely Belgaum, Gulbarga and Hubli-Dharwad are identified in the first phase.  Subsequent phases of the project will improve scaling up to the rest of the areas in three cities and also to

more cities.

‘ North Karnataka Urban Sector Investment Programme (NKUSIP) ‘


North Karnataka Urban Sector Investment Programme (NKUSIP)  was conceived in the recommendations of the High Power Committee on Regional Imbalances in a bid to boost economic growth in a region that has traditionally lagged behind.  25 such towns were selected for infrastructure provision based on the following criteria:

♦ District Headquarters of newly created districts.

♦ Towns having more than 50,000 population.

♦ Towns with tourism importance.



Seventeen water supply projects with estimated cost of Rs. 711.92 crore have been submitted to the Central government under UIDSSMT (Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns). Rs. 1,760 crore project has been prepared to provide 24X7 water supply to the entire corporation area of Belgaum, Gulbarga and Hubli-Dharwad cities on PPP basis with World Bank assistance.

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