Karnataka Panchayat Raj

Karnataka Panchayat Raj The Panchayats are among the oldest institutions for local governance in rural Karnataka. This long standing system of local governance is also known as Panchayat Raj (which means rule of village committee). Panchayat Raj ensures proper execution of rural development programmes. It encourages participation of general people in the development programmes. Structural … Read more

Karnataka health and health Policy

Karnataka health and health Policy Karnataka: health ,health Infrastructure and health Policy Karnataka provides comprehensive healthcare and services to the people of the state. The state government has given much priority to the health sector over the years. It took effective measures to improve the health and well-being of the citizens of Karnataka. The state … Read more

Karnataka Education and Educational Policy

Karnataka Education and Educational Policy Karnataka: Education ,Educational Infrastructure and Educational Policy Karnataka is one of the leading states in India in the field of education, with a wide range of preferred school, collegiate and professional education system that has evolved over many years. Karnataka also hosts many of the leading science and technology institutions … Read more

Important awards of Karnataka

Important awards of Karnataka Karnataka Ratna Karnataka Ratna is the highest civilian honour of the State of Karnataka. It is awarded to a person for his extraordinary contribution in any field. It was constituted in the year 1992 by the Government of Karnataka. There have been a total of 9 recipients of this award. The … Read more

Famous personalities of karnataka state

Famous personalities of karnataka state Basavanna Basava was an Indian philosopher, statesman and a social reformer from what is now Karnataka. Basava fought against the practice of the caste system, which discriminated against people based on their birth, and other rituals in Hinduism. He spread social awareness through his poetry, popularly known as Vachanaas. Basavanna … Read more

Divisions and district’s of State Karnataka

Divisions and district’s of State Karnataka Karnataka has 30 districts and 4 administrative divisions to manage its three principal regions- the Coastal Plain region (known as Karavalli), the hilly region of the Western Ghats (known as Malenadu) and the elevated region of the Deccan Plateau (known as Bayalu Seeme). A district is an administrative geographical … Read more

Administrative system of Karnataka

Administrative system of Karnataka Karnataka is a state belonging to the South-west of India with a democratic government running the state. The elected body runs the administration of Karnataka with a Governor appointed as the constitutional head. The Governor is appointed for a five-year tenure will appoint the Chief Minister and even his council of … Read more

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